Happy Moments with New Parents
*Photos and texts are provided by each kitten owner. Updated in December 2020.

He's doing very well, grows up so fast!
He’s such a sweet boy, follows me around, and sits on my desk when I am working. It’s truly a comfort to have a cat while working at home. I am so happy to have him with me!

Thanks for raising him so well! He’s such a younger brother :D Can’t wait to see how he’s when he grows up!
He is so confident and brave, I’m surprise! Thank you for giving him to us!

He really likes eating duck freeze treat : )

She’s very brave! When we took her home, she came out from the carrier by herself in 5 seconds.
She’s been doing pretty good today, and eating more. We’ll concentrate on keeping her active and building her appetite.
Now, she’s running around, exploring and socializing!

She’s growing so well and beautiful! She’s a sweet and smart girl and always waits for me every day at the door when I come back home.

She’s a real lady. I’m quite satisfied that she and her brother get along much better now.
She is very photogenic and eating a lot.